Beginners Skateboard Tuition

A safe and friendly introduction to skateboarding for ages 5 – 12

On our hugely popular beginners course we take eager learners through the first steps of skateboarding and help them become comfortable and confident. We start at the very beginning with standing and moving, staying safe and correct stance. We will then move along together into using ramps, basic moves and gaining full board control! Beginners lessons are group based, with extra allowance and support always being given to those who feel they want more (or less!) help. There is a maximum of 10 on each course, and skateboards and safety equipment are provided.

What will we learn?
  • Correct stance and riding comfortably
  • Pushing and turning
  • Rolling down and up ramps
  • Dropping in
  • Turning on ramps
  • Introduction to Ollies
  • Staying safe and using a skatepark safely
  • Gaining confidence, challenging yourself and conquering fears
  • How to take what you have learned to help you in the future
  • There’s always time for a few other bits to throw in
What we expect
  • We don’t ask for much, just for your child to want to give it a go. Also to understand that this is a group lesson and we are all learning at once, and to listen and follow instructions even if they’ve heard it before or know it already!

If you feel your child may be well on the way to what is mentioned above you may want to consider the improvers, if in doubt give us a shout.

Holiday Intensive Courses

We run courses during most school breaks, These are for children who are first timers or very new to skating and we don’t recommend this course for children who have recently attended a weekly beginners course here. Please make sure your child’s ability level is suitable for the course before booking and contact us before booking if you’re unsure.

February Half Term Course

Three Day Course – £40

Three one hour lessons – Tuesday 18th, Wednesday 19th, Thursday 20th 10:30-11:30am


These intensive beginners courses are for children who are first timers or very new to skating and we don’t recommend this course for children who have recently attended a weekly beginners course here. Please make sure your child’s ability level is suitable for the course before booking and contact us before booking if you’re unsure.

To book on please click below and complete the subsequent form, making sure to use the child’s name and D.O.B. Upon successful completion you will see a Thank You screen and receive a confirmation email

Term Time Courses

Six weekly one hour lessons – £80

We’re currently running three courses each term. Choose from –

Tuesdays 4:15pm
Wednesdays 5:30pm
Thursdays 4:15pm

February / March Term

Our next lessons will start on the week of the 24th of February. To book on to any course please click the appropriate link below and complete the subsequent form, making sure to use the child’s name and D.O.B. Upon successful completion you will see a Thank You screen and receive a confirmation email.

These courses are for children who are first timers or very new to skating. Please make sure your child’s ability level is suitable for the course before booking. We also run Improvers level courses. Contact us before booking if you’re unsure.

Next Courses

If you can’t make it this time, our next courses will begin on the week of the 22nd of April. They’ll be available to book on to on this page from 12pm on Tuesday 8th of April. Set a reminder!

About The Engineerium

The skatepark is currently based on the grounds of The British Engineerium in Hove. This is a big change for us and there are some things for everyone visiting to know before arriving. Please read through before visiting for the first time.

Where are we?

British Engineerium, The Droveway, Hove BN3 7QA (Google Maps)

The park is based at the back of the site. Use the entrance marked on the map to enter the grounds, and follow the signage to the front door of the park.

Visiting the site

We are very lucky to be renting this building from the folks at the Engineerium. It is a listed site with other spaces and community groups sharing the grounds and car park. This is not our building, and we ask that everyone visiting treats the Engineerium and its other visitors with care and respect. Any issues caused may put our use of the space in jeopardy.

No Dogs 🙁

Due to being on a freshwater site, dogs are strictly not permitted anywhere on the Engineerium grounds.


Travel & Parking

The park is a roughly 15 minute walk from either Hove or Aldrington Station. The nearest bus stop is at Waitrose, serviced by the 5B bus. The 5 and 5A stop at Hove Park Tavern, a five minute walk away.

Parking is available in the area shown on the map above.

Our schedule, booking, and refund policy


Further schedule and booking details

• Courses start after every half term break, and become available to book on to through this page usually three weeks beforehand. Information on the next start and booking dates is always viewable on this page.
• Places are on a first come first serve basis. We do not take any bookings before they appear online and do not hold waiting lists.
• These courses are in high demand and often sell out fast. If there are no spaces visible on this page then there are none available. We advise you not to promise your children skateboarding lessons before booking to avoid disappointment. Each registration must be completed in full individually and we cannot guarantee your being able to book for more than one child successfully.
• Members of the previous course will be given one day’s priority to rebook for the next course via email. We recommend whitelisting to ensure you receive this email in time.
• Please remember that due to priority booking for term time courses, some places will already be taken by the time they appear on this page.
• We also hold courses through some school holidays. These will be announced as a few weeks prior.

Refund Policy

• We will issue a full refund to the account debited, if contact is made by phone or email with a request to cancel the space at least 7 days before the start date. If notice is less than 7 days, we will issue a refund of half of the course cost. This is to cover potential loss of earnings from your space not being used. Requests for a refund on or after the date of the first lesson will not be honoured. We will request account details to arrange a bank transfer for any granted refunds.
• BYC holds no responsibility for any lessons that aren’t attended and will not issue partial refunds, discounts on future bookings, or free lessons on a future course, to make up for missed lessons.
• While we will do our best to assist you, we take no responsibility for a booking made on to the wrong course date, and make no guarantee we can alter the booking.

Data Usage

Personal information entered in to the following form is held by EZ facility. Their privacy policy regarding the security of your information can be found at We do not share your details with any other persons or organisations. We will use this data for contacting you regarding your booking, and for in house statistic gathering regarding usage of our centre, which is required for funding purposes.