Leave a Gift in your Will

Support the future of BYC

Brighton Youth Centre has been running for over 100 years, providing much needed support and opportunities for over 1,500 young people in the city every year. Leaving us a gift in your will could help us do so much more and will allow us to continue our work for generations to come.

By leaving BYC a gift in your will, you can help ensure that young people in the city always have a safe space to socialise, try new activities and access support from trained youth workers whenever they need it.

 If you'd like to discuss leaving a gift in your will directly with one of the BYC Team, you can contact us at fundraising@brightonyouthcentre.org.uk

If you are ready to start the process of creating a free will online now, you can do so below.

-Make a Will Online

We know that two thirds of adults don’t have a will in place at all.  It is now easier than ever to make a will and remember BYC in your will.  You can make a free solicitor-checked will by going to https://www.makeawillonline.co.uk/byc.  You will also be able to access Capacity Vault, the best way to protect the wishes in your will for free.

 See a solicitor

If you would rather speak to a solicitor face to face then you should do this. You should also do this if you have a high value estate (details here), or if you have other complexities in your estate.  You can use the Solicitors Regulation Authority website to find a solicitor.  Where there is a worry due to medication or a dementia related illness we always suggest speaking with a solicitor face to face.

Make sure your solicitors use our full name: Brighton Youth Centre, our charity number: 1098557, and our registered address: 64 Edward Street, Brighton BN2 0JR

 Your data

When you make a will online using the above link we find out when a will is made, any residuary gift and the value of any cash pledges.  You can also opt in to share your name and contact details with us.  All of this is extremely useful.  If you don’t want to share this information you don’t have to.  You can use this link to make a will online without sharing anything.  Whichever way you leave a gift in your will to us we are extremely grateful.  Thank you!