Donate To BYC

Make a donation to BYC


Brighton Youth Centre is a charity organisation that relies mainly on generating our own funds, with funding grants making up a fairly small percentage of our overall income. Over 80% of our funding is self-generated.

We believe strongly in making our activities for young people accessible to all. We don’t charge entry to our youth clubs, and entry fee to the skatepark is heavily subsidised. We also host regular events, activities and workshops for free or as little as possible.

After being forced to close for much of 2020, and having to reopen with strict measures in place, a huge amount of our revenue streams have been affected. We are also in the process of funding the refurbishment of the youth centre – to bring the building up to safety & accessibility standards and to improve our facilities. We’re asking at this time more then ever, for you to consider supporting us so we can continue to support young people across Brighton & Hove.

Thank you for reading,

The entire BYC Team

Donate monthly

The best way to help us is by considering making a regular donation. Enter the amounr you would like to contribute and choose “make this a monthly donation” before submitting. You can cancel this at any time using your Paypal account.

Donate directly

You can make a contribution to us of the amount of your choosing via Paypal Giving. A donation of any amount is much appreciated!

Add Gift Aid to your donation

Gift Aid is a government scheme that allows charities to claim an extra 25p for every £1 donated to them, as long as the doner has declared their donation eligible. This will increase the value of your donation by 25%, at no cost to you. You can do this by opting in to the Gift Aid scheme on Paypal before donating. You can read more about Gift Aid here.

Friends of BYC

We looking towards setting up a “Friends of BYC” group that supports our work and our plans to rebuild BYC. If this might be of interest to you and you’d like to know more, please submit the form below, and we will be in touch when we have more details to share.

    Remember Brighton Youth Centre in your will

    You can help us continue our work by leaving a legacy in your will. Gifts in our supporters’ wills are making a HUGE difference.


    Make a free online will

    With our partner, we offer a free online wills service:  All wills are checked by a will-writer and covered by £2m insurance. To help us with our campaign, details of your legacy will be shared with us: your name, your contact details, the amount of the legacy and the date you made the will.


    If you already have a will…

    If you do already have a will and want to leave a gift to us, contact your solicitor and let them know your intentions.  You can work with them either to (a) make a new will or (b) a shorter and less expensive “codicil”.

    Please ensure that your solicitor uses our full name: Brighton Youth Centre, our charity number: 1098557, and our registered address: 64 Edward Street, Brighton, BN2 0JR.


    If you don’t currently have a will…

    If you haven’t already made a will you can make one and leave a gift of a specific amount of money or a proportion of your estate to us and other charities. Once your family and friends are catered for, anything you can provide us will make a huge difference to our work.

    Did you know that people who leave more than 10% of their estate to charity receive inheritance tax benefits?

    If your estate is liable for inheritance tax (see here), we suggest you speak to your solicitor to discuss making a will and leaving a gift to us. If you don’t have a solicitor, you can go to to search for a local solicitor.

    If you have complicated needs in your will – for example: dependent relatives/ friends, property overseas, trust income or ongoing legal issues – we suggest you speak to a solicitor.


    About our free online wills offer

    To help us with our campaign, details of your legacy will be shared with us: your name, your contact details, the amount of the legacy and the date you made the will.  You can make a will and leave a legacy to us without sharing this information by paying for the will directly yourself here: